
Mosaic: Classical Guitar Favourites
Michael Kolk
Track List
The highly anticipated release of Mosaic: Classical Guitar Favourites, from classical guitarist Michael Kolk confirms that his serious potential as a musician combining masterful technique and superb musical instincts is now fully realized.
The album contains a nice variety of different eras and genres. Michael works his finger-fueled magic on pieces from composers ranging from Bach to Debussy to Villa-Lobos and the Spanish composers for whom he has special affection, such as Isaac Albeniz, whose classic compositions Rumores de la Caleta and Granada are reprised reverently here, as well as a couple of pieces that are not normally heard on the guitar.
Bach has long been a key component in Kolk's repertoire. "He is a staple of the classical guitar," Michael explains. "Bach is one of those composers where as guitarists we try to prove ourselves worthy to play his music. His compositions are so masterful, and you just try to do them justice."
Kolk’s sense of musical adventure is showcased on the gorgeous Debussy piano preludes, The Girl With The Flaxen Hair and Danseuses de Delphes. "I find it is very exciting to play Debussy on the guitar. They are piano pieces but the guitar really lends a new kind of sound palette,” he notes.
Capturing the beautiful subtleties of Kolk's effortlessly fluent and graceful playing was the acclaimed team of producer Peter Cardinali and engineer John 'Beetle' Bailey. They set up shop in the famed Toronto venue The Glenn Gould Studio, a space noted for its superb acoustics. "It was so quiet it was almost alarming at first. Every nuance comes out, and I really enjoyed playing there,” says Michael.